Creating a radio network. Actions.
1. Frequency selection
For organization of the industrial mobile radio networks on the territory of Kyrgyzstan highlighted the following frequency ranges:
Range, MHz |
Designation |
136-174 |
400-512 |
2. Siting base station or repeater
Дальность радиосвязи зависит от большого числа параметров (используемый частотный диапазон, рельеф местности, высота установки антенн, электромагнитная обстановка, и т. д.) и может быть точно определена только экспериментальным путем.
Range VHF (146-174 MHz) - one of the most universal ranges. But this equipment has a insufficient horizon of propagation and therefore to increase the radio range requires a much greater height to install the base of the antenna.
Portable stations operate quite successfully in open countryside, but in dense city building conditions quality of communication is substantially reduced because there is no multipath. To improve the efficiency of antennas installed base is necessary to minimize the cable length and maximize the height of installation.
Диапазон UHF(400-174МГц) - is considered as "urban" and displays it's best qualities in dense urban areas. Selecting this range is ideal if you need reliable communication over short distances, such as in the city. Even with the use of portable radios, it provides a stable relationship with a minimum of dead zones. For open countryside UHF is not very convenient, because this range radio waves curve around bad uneven terrain and have a strong damping in a wooded area. To improve the efficiency of antennas installed base is necessary to minimize the cable length and maximize the height of installation
Approximate values averaged radio range shown in Fig. 1.

3. Obtaining a permit to operate radio stations
Registration of radios performes on the basis of a written application of the owner Radio Electronic mean (HF devices) in the State Communications Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic and the accompanying documents ( package of documents).
The package should include the following documents:
- Application form (application);
- a copy of the documents concerning the legal status of the applicant;
- card of operating and technical data (COTD);
- request for approval to the site (RAS);
- card of operating and technical data of the mobile station (COTDMS);
- technical documentation for the radio-electronic mean;
- certificate copy of conformity for REM and HFD issued by an authorized person of the Kyrgyz Republic.
By calling our contact phone specialists of «TCS» LTD. can advise you on all matters relating with acquisition and registration radios and radio equipment.