MTR3000 - Motorola repeater working with an output of 100 watts at 100% duty cycle. MTR 3000 works as both digital and analog modes, allowing the user to use traditional analog radios and new digital standard radios simultaneously. As well, MTR-3000 can operate in compatibility mode with analog trunking systems and systems such as LTR / Passport.
MTR3000, programmed mode MOTOTRBO, provides:
- Support for two parallel voice channels, based on the standard 12.5 kHz TDMA 6,25 e
- Division of an existing channel into two time slots, thereby achieving a doubling of the number of channels
- Support for MOTOTRBO IP Site Connect to extend coverage and support for the regime trunking one area without a separate hardware controller.
Repeater Motorola MTR3000 is representative of modern digital platform MotoTRBO, providing users of conventional radio and trunking systems.
Repeater MTR3000 implements 100% work cycle at an output power of 100 watts, which ensures reliable operation at very high intensity radio conversations.
Repeater MTR3000, as all subscriber radios MotoTRBO support analog communication mode that allows gradual migration from existing analogue in modern digital communication systems.
According to its reliability parameters repeater exceeds stringent U.S. military standards MIL810
Specification MOTOROLAMTR3000
- Frequency range 136.00000 - 174.00000 MHz, 400.00000 - 470.00000 MHz
- Number of Channels: 16
- Frequency spacing (kHz): 12.5, 25, 30 kHz
- Modulation: FM and 4FSK
- Sensitivity (mV): 0.3
- Adjacent Channel Selectivity (dB): 80/75
- Output power (W): 8-100
- Power supply 85-264
- Dimensions WxHxD 483 x 133 x 419
- Weight g 19000
- Operating temperature range from -30 to +60 ° C

Data sheet repeater MTR3000