Company «TCS» LTD. in 2005 won the international tender announced by the OSCE in the Kyrgyz Republic to create a "Rapid Response Center 102 Central Internal Affairs Directorate Bishkek MIA of KR."
Under the project was performed supply of switching devices and computer hardware and was introduced software "Information System 102" with the organization of operational Central Internal Affairs Directorate communications staff with the territorial police department divisions into a single information network.
Terms of reference for the tender was required to bind all of the territorial district police department of Bishkek with the Center for Rapid Response 102 Central Internal Affairs Directorate of Bishkek in a single information system. Provide on the basis of specialized software receiving and processing calls to phone number 102 with their subsequent processing in departments of police station, guard, create returns and reports.

Under the decision specialists of «TCS» made the following works:
- The reconstruction of cable networks territorial police department in Bishkek and Rapid Response Center 102. Supplied communication switching equipment SIEMENS.
- Implemented the supply and installation of an information server with PBX SIEMENS HiPATH, also a Cisco router for routing calls in a private voice and data networks Bishkek police.
- Been supplied server recording all telephone conversations of operators and radio stations of Rapid Response Center 102.
- Installs and adapted specialized software "Information System 102" for police in Bishkek.
- Were trained operators and administrative staff on the use of special software "Information System 102" equipment and communication systems.

The project implementation resulted a rapid response service center 102 Bishkek police received the following features:
- Organizational
Reception of statements, reports of crimes and incidents;
Registration, formalization of received applications and messages;
- Rapid response
Responding to the statement, report crimes and incidents; appropriate action.
Resolution statements and messages.
- Coordinating
Interaction 102 Rapid Response Centre with other services of Internal Affairs Agencies about issues of the overall competence.
Transfer applications, messages to the appropriate authority (territorial, procedural) for the final decision.

- Analytical
Analysis of the structures included in the service 102, and their effectiveness;
Collection, processing, report police managers, information on the operational situation;
Preparation of recommendations and documentations about work Service 102;
Formation of daily reports;
- Control
Monitoring the operational environment of the city;
Activities of subordinate units;
Timely resolution of statements and reports of crimes;
Fixation of all operator's actions, recording of conversations.
Technology of work Rapid Response Center 102 CIAD of Bishkek MIA KR
Rapid response service provides by:
- Acceptance of applications from citizens and messages received on the telephone line "102";
- Fixing statements and reports (computer processing, defining the number whence call comes and record it's contents);
- Responding to the statements and reports;
- Organization of solving crimes in hot pursuit. |